

The best place to live and study

Canada is the second-largest country in the world situated in the North American region. It is also lots of top-ranked universities in Canada which are attracting a huge number of foreign students each year. This country is also having advanced facilities for the citizens with a modern lifestyle and earning facilities. However, Canada does not have enough popularity to cover its huge amount of areas. That’s why the Canadian government is taking millions of immigrants with guaranteed jobs and citizenship facilities. According to the World University Rankings, Canada has 6 of the top 100 best student cities in the world. Canadians and international students in Canada enjoy a high standard of living. It’s a great place to live and work.
Canadians are a mostly friendly, unpretentious people who value honesty, sensitivity, empathy and humility in their relationships with friends and strangers, as well as respect for the privacy and individualism of others. Core Canadian values include fairness, equality, inclusiveness and social justice. Canadians are protected by a diversity of freedoms, and international students are too. The result is an exceptionally stable and peaceful society with a low crime rate.

Canada generally has a very open and accepting attitude towards other cultures and religions. In some ways Canada is many nations in one. Canada has one of the highest per capita immigration rates in the world and embraces multiculturalism. The Canadian ‘Multiculturalism Act’ underpins multicultural policies in Canada. This ideology results in a harmonious environment rich in cross-country respect, as well as constantly rising rates of naturalization.
Canada has a thriving and vibrant economy with plenty of room for growth and many opportunities for residents. At this time, employment opportunities are abundant as many cities and provinces in Canada have labor shortages in important sectors and industries. Canadian employers are eager to hire qualified and responsible workers. Besides, the Government of Canada is committed to building a skilled and diverse workforce.

Job prospects are strong for Canada’s international grads. The Canadian Council of Ministers of Education prioritizes attracting international students in all education sectors through a number of strategies. The plan is not only focused on recruiting, but also on retaining after graduation by offering more opportunities for Canadian students to work abroad while studying and remain in the country as permanent residents afterward.
The official languages spoken in Canada are English and French, although there are many more English speakers than French. Due to Canada’s historically welcoming attitude to immigrants, the overall language mix spoken in the country is very diverse. But the vast majority of speakers at around 60% speak English.

It’s no surprise then that Canada has a reputation as a premiere language training destination. Since teaching French and English as a first and second language is an integral part of a Canadian education, international students will be able to improve their fluency and capacity for either language as they further their studies.